Headlight Restoration Liquid / 5902537856738 / 25-884

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Product Number: 9586

Headlight Restoration Liquid / 5902537856738 / 25-884

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Headlight Restoration Liquid / 25-884

Headlight Restoration Liquid

Liquid designed to restore clarity to headlight lenses that have become yellowed, hazy or mat-dull.
Improves the luminous efficiency of the lamp.
This is a much cheaper alternative than replacing the headlight or repairing it at the service center and the result will be the same or very similar.

It is suitable for headlights, taillights, trailers, boat windows, helmet snowmobiles, etc.

800g bottle:
Headlamp Restoration for Yellowing, Scratches, Oxidation, Blur and Cracking.

To renovate the headlight you need the whole set - in this offer you buy only the liquid.
We recommend using protective gloves and a mask during work.
Avoid contact of the liquid with any surface other than the headlight (it may damage it).
The liquid is suitable for the regeneration of plastic headlights only (Approximately 98% of the headlights produced). Will not work on glass reflectors.
The content of the bottle is sufficient for approx. 30 - 40 headlights (depending on the size of the remanufactured headlights)
Keep away from children.

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